Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Summer is back and so am I :)

Helllloooo everyone, summer is here and so am I with loads of pics to share with you. No...I am not making up for my absence with many pics in one post but just super excited to be back to blogging and sharing lots of stuff with you guys. Though if you follow me on Instagram you would know what I have been upto for the whole of last year and it has been crazy but still super fun; so don't forget to follow me on instagram.

So getting straight to what I have to share with you. I have been enjoying dressing up the last few days and visiting friends and family as all work and no play was making bye the Diva too a little dull...there came the summer sunshine and you can see I am all happy & poppy.

There have been so many lunches and dinners and even me experimenting with the hubby in the kitchen... so lets start in the name of some food and fashion.

Hubby trying to get all fancy at home cooking... Chicken in Korean BBQ sauce with grilled veggies on a bed of mashed potatoes...A gal can do with this kind of comfort food after a hard day at work :P
Korean barbecue Chicken with Grilled veggies  on a bed of mashed potatoes 

Frankly this is me trying to make the best of extra boiled chickpeas and trust me every bite of this was "Chatpatta"
Healthy Evening Snack

And sometimes both of us can do with a little break from the here we tried a sloppy joe at Go Panda...They served me in a paper box with a happy panda on it...Follow me on instagram to see new eateries I love to explore.  

Some fashion posts if you Fashion Hungry:)

Check out my earrings...The pearls add such a pretty soft look.

Summer Perfect in a you love wearing summer maxis too? 

Don't forget to comment and follow me on instagram :)

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